Unlock Better Health Through Financial Literacy

The Vital Connection Between Financial Literacy and Physical Health

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. I am a doctor who sees how financial stress can affect health, and I want to help my readers by sharing information on financial literacy. Please consult a professional financial advisor for personalized advice.

Hello Reader,

Happy August!

As we continue to explore holistic health and well-being, I want to bring your attention to an often-overlooked aspect: financial literacy.

I am in no way a financial advisor, but every day in clinic I see the effects money can have on health in my patients, especially most recently.

I know this is not the kind of content you expect to read from me, but understanding and managing your finances can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and physical health.

This can be a stressful topic for most, but I want to let you know that wherever you are financially, there are ways to improve your financial literacy and help you reach your goals to be healthy in every aspect of your life.

Let’s dive into why financial literacy is so crucial and how it interconnects with our health.

The Stress-Health Connection

Financial stress is a common source of anxiety and can significantly affect your physical health. When you’re worried about bills, debt, or your financial future, your body reacts.

Chronic stress can lead to a range of health issues, including:

  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Constant financial worry can keep your blood pressure elevated, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Mental Health Issues: Anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions can be exacerbated by financial stress.
  • Digestive Problems: Stress affects your digestive system, potentially leading to conditions like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and ulcers.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Financial concerns can keep you up at night, leading to insomnia and poor sleep quality.

Financial Literacy as a Preventative Measure

Just as we focus on preventative health measures, improving your financial literacy can serve as a preventative strategy against financial stress. By understanding and managing your finances, you can reduce stress and its negative impact on your health.

Here are a few steps to enhance your financial literacy:

  1. Create a Budget: A well-planned budget helps you understand your income, expenses, and savings, giving you control over your finances.
  2. Emergency Fund: Building an emergency fund can provide peace of mind and a financial cushion in times of unexpected expenses.
  3. Debt Management: Understanding how to manage and pay off debt effectively can alleviate a significant source of stress.
  4. Investment Education: Learning about investments and planning for the future can empower you to make informed decisions and build wealth.

Navigating the Current Financial Climate

You might have heard about the recent increase in interest rates and the unpredictability of global finance, especially with the upcoming United States presidential election. While this might sound daunting, it’s a reminder of the importance of being financially literate.

Think of it like the weather – sometimes it’s sunny, and sometimes it’s stormy. Just as we prepare for rainy days with umbrellas and raincoats, we can prepare for financial uncertainty by being educated and proactive. Remember, understanding and managing your finances can help you navigate through any economic climate with confidence.

The Benefits of Financial Health on Physical Well-being

Improving your financial literacy doesn’t just reduce stress; it also opens the door to better health choices. When you’re financially stable, you’re more likely to invest in your health:

  • Nutritional Choices: You can afford healthier food options, which are often more expensive but crucial for maintaining good health.
  • Healthcare Access: Financial stability allows for regular medical check-ups, preventative care, and the ability to afford treatments if necessary.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: You can invest in gym memberships, wellness programs, supplements and IVs, and other activities that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Taking the First Step

Improving your financial literacy might seem daunting, but remember, it’s a journey similar to any other aspect of health. Start small, set achievable goals, and gradually build your knowledge and confidence. There are numerous resources available, from online courses to financial advisors, to guide you along the way.

Resources for Financial Literacy

To help you on your financial literacy journey, here are some valuable resources:



Referral Links:

Financial literacy is more than just understanding money; it’s a fundamental component of your overall well-being. By taking steps to improve your financial health, you can reduce stress, improve your physical health, and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Let's embrace financial literacy as a key aspect of our holistic health journey. Together, we can achieve a healthier, more secure future.

Stay healthy and empowered!

Warm regards,

Dr. Francesca Medina, ND

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. I am a doctor who sees how financial stress can affect health, and I want to help my readers by sharing information on financial literacy. Please consult a professional financial advisor for personalized advice.

If you are located in California, I will be honored to be a part of your healthcare team. Together, we will get to the root causes of your symptoms through comprehensive lab testing and thorough information gathering. With me as your doctor, you will receive compassionate and personalized care. I will listen to you and tailor your health plan to your needs.

We will focus on transforming your daily habits to become more conducive to the healthy life you envision for yourself. We will look more towards nutrition, movement, and psychological balance rather than relying only on medication.

If this resonates with you, do not hesitate to make an appointment.

For more information, click here.


For a limited time, take advantage of 20% off microneedling reguvenation facials with me at The Adapt Lab clinic in Solana Beach, CA when you invest in a package of 3 or more before prices increase on September 1, 2024.

Why Microneedling?​

  • Stimulates collagen production for firmer, smoother skin.
  • Minimizes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.
  • Enhances skin tone and texture for a radiant glow.

Say goodbye to dull, tired skin and hello to a revitalized, luminous complexion!

Purchase your microneedling package today and embark on a journey to healthier, radiant skin.

This special offer at The Adapt Lab ends August 30, 2024.

Save on IV Hydration Therapy

I’m excited to announce my exclusive summertime deals on IV therapy at Olympus Movement Performance in Vista, CA to help you feel your best during these warm months.

Did you know that dehydration and nutrient deficiencies can lead to a host of health problems? As we enjoy the sunny days of summer, it's easy to overlook the importance of staying properly hydrated and nourished. But doing so is crucial for maintaining our health and well-being.

  • Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and dizziness, making it difficult to enjoy your favorite summer activities.
  • Nutrient deficiencies can weaken your immune system, reduce energy levels, and affect your skin's health and appearance.

The solution? IV Therapy!​

IV therapy is a quick and efficient way to replenish fluids and essential nutrients directly into your bloodstream. Whether you're looking to boost your energy, support your immune system, or improve your skin's glow, my IV therapy treatments have got you covered.

This summer, take proactive steps to support your health and feel your best with my exclusive IV therapy deals. Remember, staying hydrated and nourished is key to enjoying all that this vibrant season has to offer!

Summertime Specials:

  • 15% off all Plenish Nutrient IV treatments
  • 15% off glutathione pushes or nebulizer treatments
  • Buy a package of 2 Plenish Nutrient IVs, get your 3rd IV 25% off
  • Buy a package of 2 glutathione pushes or nebulizer treatments, get your 3rd 25% off

Offers valid until September 30, 2024.

To book your appointment, click here.

I would love to hear from you!

Your journey and success stories are incredibly valuable to me and can inspire others seeking Naturopathic and holistic health solutions. By sharing the experience you had with me, you not only help me grow as a doctor and educator but also support others in our community who are looking for natural and effective health care.

Whether it’s a note about how I’ve helped you balance your hormones, improve your digestive health, or enhance your overall well-being, your words can make a difference. Please take a moment to leave a review and share your story.

Your feedback means the world to me!

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As a dedicated Naturopathic Doctor, I invite you to schedule a personalized 1-on-1 appointment with me. Click here for more information on how to book your appointment.

My goal is to empower you to make your lifestyle your medicine, so I encourage you to take the first step by scheduling an appointment with me. However, if you are not in the space to make an appointment with me, I encourage you to explore my health articles and e-books. Also, be sure to sign up for my newsletter to get my naturopathic tips straight to your inbox.

Dr. Francesca works only with patients physically located in California.

Dr. Francesca is an affiliate for some companies. Some links contained within this email may be affiliate links, from which she receives a small commission at no extra cost to you, the customer. For more information, visit our Affiliate Disclosure.

Psalms 20:4

1281 Liberty Way Suite A, Vista, CA 92081
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Dr. Francesca Medina

Join our growing community where I send out bi-monthly informative newsletters aimed to empower you in your health. I send out newsletters to help men and women to improve their hormones, gut, and skin in an impactful and sustainable way.

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Dr. Francesca is an affiliate for some companies. Some links contained within this email may be affiliate links, from which she receives a small commission at no extra cost to you, the customer. For more information, visit our Affiliate Disclosure. Blood Sugar and Hormones Hello Reader, Are you feeling tired, moody, or struggling with unexplained weight gain? The culprit might be hiding in plain sight: your blood sugar and hormones. These two things are intricately connected and play a...