
Dr. Francesca Medina

Join our growing community where I send out bi-monthly informative newsletters aimed to empower you in your health. I send out newsletters to help men and women to improve their hormones, gut, and skin in an impactful and sustainable way.

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Unlock Better Health Through Financial Literacy

Dr. Francesca is an affiliate for some companies. Some links contained within this email may be affiliate links, from which she receives a small commission at no extra cost to you, the customer. For more information, visit our Affiliate Disclosure. The Vital Connection Between Financial Literacy and Physical Health Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. I am a doctor who sees how financial stress can affect health, and I want to help my readers by sharing information on financial literacy....

Understanding and Managing PMS and Menstrual Cramps Hello Reader, Many of us experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menstrual cramps, which can significantly impact daily life. So, in this newsletter I want to dive deeper into understanding these conditions and explore some strategies for managing these pesky symptoms. PMS typically occurs 1-2 weeks before menstruation and can include symptoms like: Mood swings and irritability Bloating and water retention Breast tenderness Fatigue...

Utilize IV therapy to keep you healthy all summer long! Hello Reader, Summer is in full swing, and with all the fun in the sun, it’s essential to stay hydrated and energized! I’m excited to announce my exclusive summertime deals on IV therapy at Olympus Movement Performance in Vista, CA to help you feel your best during these warm months. Did you know that dehydration and nutrient deficiencies can lead to a host of health problems? As we enjoy the sunny days of summer, it's easy to overlook...

Dr. Francesca is an affiliate for some companies. Some links contained within this email may be affiliate links, from which she receives a small commission at no extra cost to you, the customer. For more information, visit our Affiliate Disclosure. Blood Sugar and Hormones Hello Reader, Are you feeling tired, moody, or struggling with unexplained weight gain? The culprit might be hiding in plain sight: your blood sugar and hormones. These two things are intricately connected and play a...

Are you ready to transform your health? Hello Reader, Are you noticing yourself a bit more tired lately? Are your concentration and memory not what they used to be? Have you noticed a slower metabolism and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight? Are your menstrual cycles all over the place? Are you experiencing more acne breakouts or changes in your skin's texture? Well, I can help with all of those concerns and more! As a naturopathic doctor, I was taught, and dedicate my practice, to teach...

My May Favorites 🥰 Hey there Reader, Can you believe May is already coming to a close? It's been a jam-packed month, and I wanted to share some of the things that have brought me joy and are preparing me for the hot summer months ahead: TempDrop If you're trying to conceive or just want better insight into your cycle, the TempDrop is a game-changer. This tiny wearable device tracks your temperature throughout the night for the most accurate reading. No more waking up at bizarre hours to take...

Don't Let the Sun Damage Your Skin - Choose the Right SPF Hello Reader, Summer is coming and now is the time to make sure your SPF has what it takes to effectively protect your skin. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause premature skin aging, wrinkles, age spots, and even skin cancer. Protecting your skin from harmful UV radiation should be a top priority, especially during the spring and summer months when the sun is strongest. Understanding SPF - SPF measures how well a sunscreen...

Cycle Tracking Made Easy with TempDrop and OOVA Hello Reader, Are you struggling to accurately pinpoint your fertile window each cycle? As a naturopathic doctor, I always recommend getting in tune with your body's natural rhythms through cycle tracking. But I know the process can be frustrating with skipped temperatures and uncertainties around ovulation! That's why I'm so excited to share two game-changing products that are revolutionizing the ovulation tracking space: TempDrop and OOVA....

photo of a pack of birth control pills coming out of a purse

Are you considering coming off hormonal birth control like the pill or IUD? Exploring natural birth control options allows you to prevent pregnancy without synthetic hormones disrupting your normal cycles. In my latest health article, I provide an in-depth guide to effective natural contraception techniques: Understand the fertility awareness method through basal body temperature charting and cervical fluid observations Learn the sympto-thermal method combining multiple biomarkers Discover...

Welcome to Part 1 of my Healthy Menstrual Cycle Series! I decided to do this series because there is SO MUCH information we aren't taught in high school sex-ed about our menstrual cycles, and working with women in my practice, I've seen how confused some of them are with how their bodies work. I'm here to help you understand your body better. I want to empower you so you can recognize signs and symptoms of something of something wrong and when to reach out to your doctor for guidance. Without...